What is Quality Score?

Quality Score - A quality score is a term that is used by Google, Yahoo and Bing for ranking ads on their online ad platform. Quality score can affect rank as well as CPC(Cost Per Click) of an advertisement. For checking the quality score of an ad, there is a specific algorithm or formula; Pic Source- Google CTR(Click Through Rate):- Click Through Rate is a formula for checking how much your ad get clicks. The average CTR rate ranges between 3-5%. If your average CTR is going beyond the ranging limits then your ad can be blocked by Google in case of click bombing. The formula of CTR is ; Pic Source- Google Ad Relevance:- It shows how relevant is your ad. It mainly focuses on that, is your ad matching with the keywords that are typed on the search engine? Landing Page Relevance:- It is based upon multiple factors like; how much time people spend on your website, do they leave immediately (high bounce rate) or do they remain on your website and spendin...