How to do SEO of a website?

Pic Taken From:- Google Nowadays, SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is a very generic term. From small to big organization everyone has to do SEO in order to increase their website's ranking on Google SERP(Search Engine Result Page). In order to increase the website's rank on SERP, the individuals have to use SEO techniques effectively. Here are some steps to do SEO effectively:- Step 1:- Website Analysis The first step you have to do in SEO is the analysis of a website that has given to you. The website analysis will tell you that, what are the key terms that have to be optimized in terms of increasing the website's rank. You have to search the whole website in order to ascertain the key terms. In website analysis, the main aspects you have to keep in minds is the:- Content Analysis:- The most important factor in the website is content analysis. In this, you have to search wheater the content which has been written on the website is correct or not and is the con...